Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Design & Culture Blog List

This Blog has many different categories on Design and Culture. A couple of these categories are "Design, Lifestyle, Architecture, Ads, Fashion, etc..." Their slogan is "Roaming the U.S & The Globe...So You're In The Know." The designers of this Blog are trying to display the latest designs of buildings, fashion and everything for people so that they can be updated in their lifestyles. They display many articles and pictures on their blog showing new designs made and being made. These designs are either concepts or never seen and make people see how something can be made in a different way. The mission of this blog is to keep people updated on the latest trends and designs.

This blog is very like the other one poster above. Hypebeast uses many other blogs to create a great online blog about fashion and culture. The main uses of this blog is for new designs in fashion and culture. They keep the latest fashions and fashion designs and display them for you before they go out to stores. All the culture trends posted on this blog are of new designs. Also on this website are music videos in hich you see all the different designs of the artists fashion and backgrounds/special effects used to try and appeal to a certain social group. I use this site to see the newest designs in fashion trends and see if I like the new designs.

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