Sunday, August 2, 2009

Design Quote

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
-Henry David Thoreau

When I read this quote I immediately knew this was the one I wanted to put into my blog. When you "look" at a design in either a piece of art or anything, you would point out the physical features such as what shapes are in it or certain objects that are in it. But when you "see" a design, you are analyzing it and actually looking deeply into the design. You are trying to figure out what is going on within the design and what the artist or designer is trying to make you feel. By "seeing" the design, you are using your senses to feel many emotions. This is what the artist is trying to get the viewer to do. Henry David Thoreau was a great author and poet. He wrote many great novels such as Sir Walter Raleigh, The Landlord, The Service, and many others. Many of his last contributions were all from an environmentalist perspective and how he saw the beauty in nature. he was known for using natural observation and symbols in his works.

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