Thursday, August 6, 2009

Architecture (Random One)

In architecture there are two different forms of design. You can either make hand drawn blueprints of the inside and outside of the building with dimensions sized down, or you can design the building using auto-cad on the computer and let the computer do most of the work. My dad is an architect and he prefers hand drawn plans. he sits at his desk, lays out the blue print paper and goes to work drawing and measuring the appropriate dimensions to match the house. He believes by hand drawing it, he can trust all of the dimensions and designs. But also auto-cad is another great way to design. you use the computer generated dimensions and put the pieces together to create the house. architecture is a very tricky form of design both with auto-cad and hand-drawn. You have to design the outside involving windows, doors, and everything. But on the inside architects also have to worry about the sizing of rooms so that wires (electricity) and pipes (plumbing) can all fit and flow properly. The main design of architecture involves making sure all the measurments and dimensions fit perfectly into a so called box (hosue.)

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