Monday, August 3, 2009

Graffiti (Random One)

Graffiti is one of my favorite forms of art and design. Graffiti though is sometimes either considered a form of art, or property damage and a crime. Graffiti became big through the Hip-Hop culture and style. It can picture many different things through its design. Graffiti can either be used as a"tag" or as a picture of art meaning something more. A "tag" is a design in which someone places their personal design on something to let people know that they were there. On the top Right is an Example of somebody's "tag." Other forms of graffiti are designs in which people do for design. The designs could just be something they thought of and wanna do or somebody could pay them to paint something on their property. Graffiti is a very intriguing form of design which has many different aspects to it.

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